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Protocol sports : ‘el clásico’


To celebrate the Real Madrid – FC Barcelona (ultimately score 0-4) could attend a nice touch in the sports protocol from Planabout. The support of the Prime Minister allowed the ‘camera shot ‘ pick is where the placement of the guests in the presidential box at the Santiago Bernabéu, where the soccer game was played.


Captura de pantalla 2015-11-23 a las 11.08.53


In the center of the image and chairing the box, Mariano Rajoy. Florentino Perez, chairman of Real Madrid, gave the presidency to Rajoy and moves into position ‘2’ in order of precedence. The position ‘3’ in the proper disposal takes Josep Maria Bartomeu, chairman of FC Barcelona . In the same main row, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, Foreign Minister stands at the ‘4’ while Rafael Catalá, Minister of Justice, it is in the ‘5’ . All right.

As we recall, the foreign ministers is ahead of the Minister of Justice in the order of precedence , which is determined by their date of creation (1705 Affairs, Justice 1714).

Just behind Rajoy sat Isabel Tocino, Minister of the Environment in the first government of José María Aznar and current adviser to the board of Banco Santander. A row further back in third, he was sitting Francisco Martinez, Secretary of State for Security.

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