We do not hesitate to dedicate a chapter (13) in our training program to CORRESPONDENCE (and mails). It is a fundamental point of the protocol and of the more direct application in the day to day of any institution and / or company. And it is that it affects not only in the internal communication of the company, but in the external one, that implies the attention to the client. There is a procedure in mode, form and times to respond to an email / e-mail. From Planabout we send e-mails to Canada, Austria, France, Algeria, India and other countries this week. All of them were answered within 24 hours and in the correct way. In Spain this does not happen and gives a poor image of company and institution. Many people are resigned to "getting used to it, this country is like this". However, in Planabout we believe in professionalism, and we have the capacity to train in it. Check out our training courses (apla@planabout.es)